30,000 more Tulips to be Planted near the Falls
In celebration of Canada’s 150th anniversary next year The Canadian Garden Council have given The Niagara Parks Commission 30,000 tulip bulbs to create a 150th Celebration Promenade Garden within Queen Victoria Park along the promenade in front of the Niagara Parks Police Administration Building. Planting of these bulbs are now underway. The new colourful garden will be unveiled next year.
Vesey’s Bulbs of Prince Edward Island have donated to the council a massive assortment of red and white tulip bulbs.
The tulip is an international symbol of friendship and one of the first signs of spring.
Founded in 1885, The Niagara Parks Commission is committed to protecting the natural and cultural heritage along the Niagara River for the enjoyment of visitors while maintaining self-sufficiency.