Contact Us

Contact & General Inquiries

Niagara Falls Tourism

6815 Stanley Avenue, Niagara Falls Ontario Canada, L2G 3Y9

+1 (905) 356-6061

+1 (800) 563-2557

+1 (905) 356-5567

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If you have any questions regarding your travel plans to visit Niagara Falls, Canada, information on our website or concerns about your trip feel free to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Our team is ready to help you #ExploreNiagara and get the most out of your adventure. See our staff listing to find the department to best serve your needs. Please note we do not mail visitor guides or maps.


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Staff Listing

Janice Thomson

President & CEO

Chantal Suthons

Director of Marketing

(905) 356-6061 x5230

Leigh Roszell-Hoag

Director of Sales

(905) 356-6061 x5222

Adam Stiles

Director of Public Relations & Partnership Development

(905) 356-6061 x5240

Richard McGeachin

Manager, Tour & Travel Trade

(905) 356-6061 x5223

Ashley Ash

Manager, Business Events

(905) 356-6061 x5224

Torri Whitty

Sales Coordinator

(905) 356-6061 x5225

Brian Ceschin

Membership & Sponsorship Coordinator

(905) 356-6061 x5207

Valentina Garcia

Content Designer

(905) 356-6061 x5208

Heena Gupta

Marketing Coordinator

(905) 356-6061 x5206

Rachel Cater

Marketing Coordinator

(905) 356-6061 x5209

Don Dellaire

Warehouse & Brochure Distribution Associate

Hayden Ginsberg

Administrative Assistant

(905) 356-6061 x5204