Civic Holiday

Civic Holiday

The first Monday of August is celebrated in Ontario, Canada as a Civic Holiday. Join us here in Niagara Falls to celebrate the August long weekend.

Embracing Civic Pride

Celebrating the Civic Holiday in Niagara Falls

Civic holidays are an opportunity for communities to come together, celebrate their shared heritage, and revel in the spirit of togetherness. In Niagara Falls, this day holds special significance as locals and visitors alike commemorate the civic pride that defines the city. In this blog post, we will explore the ways in which Niagara Falls embraces the civic holiday, offering a range of activities and events that bring people together for a day of celebration and appreciation.

The civic holiday in Niagara Falls is a time to celebrate civic pride, unity, and community spirit. From fireworks extravaganzas and vibrant parades to outdoor concerts and family-friendly activities, there are countless ways to partake in the festivities and embrace the essence of this special day. Whether you're a resident or a visitor, immerse yourself in the celebrations, cherish the camaraderie, and experience the collective pride that defines the civic holiday in Niagara Falls.

Take in must see Niagara Falls attractions!

Fireworks Extravaganza

No civic holiday in Niagara Falls is complete without a dazzling fireworks display. Join the locals and tourists as the night sky illuminates with a burst of colors over the falls. Find a cozy spot along the waterfront, pack a picnic, and immerse yourself in the magic of the fireworks as they reflect off the cascading waters, creating a mesmerizing spectacle or hop onboard the Niagara City Cruises Voyage to the Falls and see the Fireworks up close!

Savour Food and Wine

Niagara is well known as a prolific wine making region and also is home to an amazing array of restaurants, check out all the culinary options that are available during your next trip to Niagara Falls.

So what are you waiting for? Start planning your visit and make sure you make this Civic Holiday one to remember!