Winston Churchill Visited Niagara Falls in 1943
It was on August 12th, 1943 that the then, Prime Minister of Great Britain, Winston Churchill and his daughter Mary spent ninety minutes viewing the falls and then took a leisurely drive north long the Niagara Parkway to Queenston Heights where they enjoyed a lunch at the Queenston Heights Restaurant.
I remember many years ago reading an old edition of the Empire newspaper about Churchill’s visit. In the article he was quoted as saying that, “The Niagara Parkway was the prettiest drive in the world”. I liked the quote and included it in a number of articles I wrote on Niagara. I see the quote is still very much in use today.
The Niagara Parkway and the Queenston Heights Restaurant are still very much here today.
In this photograph taken at Table Rock beside the Canadian Horseshoe Falls Maxim T. Gray, General Manager of the Niagara Parks is seen to the left (hat in hand), Mary in uniform with flowers and her father Sir Winston Churchill.