See What a Shredded Million of Dollars Looks Like
You have until January 4th, 2015 to see two clear bags of a shredded million of dollars looks like. The bags are part of an exhibit called, The Money, sponsored by The Bank of Canada. The display is found at the Niagara Falls History Museum at 5810 Ferry Street in Niagara Falls, Canada. Open Tuesday to Sunday: 10 a.m. to 5p.m.Closed New Year’s Day.
The exhibit also explores the science of note based currency starting from the earliest paper money ranging from mulberry paper to cotton and linen rag printed in China to the polymer notes used to make Canada’s new series of banknotes.
While you’re in Niagara Falls don’t forget our free New Year’s Eve extravaganza at the falls featuring Australian singer Keith Urban. The outdoor show begins at 9 p.m. with fireworks over the falls at 9 P.M. and another display at midnight. Dress in layers of clothing it can be cold near the Falls. It’s all part of the annual Ontario Power Generation Winter Festival of Lights which continues until January 12, 2015.
Happy New Year.